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Getting L1

In the initial onboarding period, the only way to get L1, the native currency of Lamina1, will be to claim and unlock rewards tokens allocated to you via airdrop, partnership or artist grant and/or to participate in upcoming onboarding referral programs for builders, developers, and creators.

Updates and information on how to acquire L1 via public exchanges will be announced by the Lamina1 core team when available and posted by the Open Metaverse Foundation.

For more information on how to claim airdrop rewards as a Lamina1 community member, see the Airdrop Claim Guide, available now through July 03, 2024.

NOTE: Users will not be able to unwrap their rewards tokens into usable L1 until after staking and governance come to the platform (launch date: TBD), nor will they be able to bridge L1 out of the network.

NOTE: The Lamina1 core team will never attempt to sell native L1, wrapped L1, test L1, LL1, RL1, or any variation/bridge of our rewards tokens directly on the Lamina1 Hub, Discord, about site, or secondary website. Any person or website attempting to sell you any amount of L1 immediately post-launch is scamming you, and any users who attempt to sell fake L1 within the Lamina1 community will be immediately banned from the Lamina1’s community and social channels, such as Discord.