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How To: Creating a Standard Username

To set up your initial Standard Username on the Lamina1 Hub, follow the video tutorial and/or step-by-step instructions below:

  1. Connect to the Lamina1 Hub using the sign-in method you typically use to log on to your account 
  2. Set your Standard Username using the prompt screen that will automatically appear the first time you sign into the Hub (If you don’t see this screen or skip it, you can also create and update your username via your public Profile anytime.
  3. If your preferred Standard Username is available and valid, hit ‘Confirm’ to view your username and the unique 4-number ID that will be attached to the end of it. If you do not like the ID that was automatically generated for you, you can regenerate it as many times as you'd like by selecting the ‘New Code’ button on the right.
  4. If your preferred Standard Username is not available or flagged as invalid, try inputting a new one, keeping the following Username Guidelines in mind. 
  5. Once you’ve confirmed your username and unique 4-number ID, select continue, which will temporarily connect to the Lamina1 Identity Subnet and redirect you to your ‘Home’ page. You have officially registered a Standard Username on the Lamina1 Hub!