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The Lamina1 Identity Subnet

The Lamina1 Identity subnet provides decentralized identity services to the Lamina1 platform and wider Avalanche ecosystem. At its most basic, it is a smart contract that determines which usernames are available, the parameters for setting a username, and which Betanet address, profile, or identity that username is attached to.

Subnet Info: 

L1ISv1 will be the first service operating on the Lamina1 Identity Subnet. On it, ENS contracts for Registry, Resolver, ReverseRegistrar and Registrar are deployed as part of L1ISv1. These ENS contracts are fed by a Controller contract, custom-built by Lamina1, which maintains all the relevant logic to support the Standard/Premium username system that characterize L1ISv1.

A custom-built PaymentCollector contract, deployed on the C-chain, allows users to purchase Premium Usernames using L1 Betanet tokens. The C-chain is Lamina1’s primary network EVM chain and is the address that is easily accessible via the Lamina1 Hub.

To support reservation of Premium Usernames on the Lamina1 Identity Subnet, but which are purchased on C Chain, Lamina1 operates an ID Bot that “connects” the contracts existing on the two chains. In the future, once Avalanche Warp Messaging becomes available on the C-Chain (coming soon), it’s expected that this Bot can be discontinued, and that new contracts leveraging warp messaging can be developed for this purpose.

NOTE: Whenever you manage your identity on the Lamina1 Hub, you have to connect into the new Lamina1 Identity Subnet. Currently, users who have a Metamask wallet linked to their Lamina1 Hub account will have to accept prompts to switch over to this network every time they want to update their username or account information on the Lamina1 Hub. We plan to simplify this process in the future.

For all other Lamina1 Hub users, connecting to the Lamina1 Identity Subnet will happen automatically and completely behind the scenes of your Hub account.