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LAMINA1 Identity Service: An Overview

The Lamina1 identity service was developed in-house by the Lamina1 core team using both ENS smart contracts and custom-built smart contracts, and works by linking your account to a new, specialized Identity Subnet on Lamina1 designed with the sole purpose of providing identity services for its users. 

The following diagram illustrates an architectural overview of the L1ISv1 system architecture we are currently using for the Lamina1 Hub and Betanet:

Our end goal with the LAMINA Identity Service is to facilitate a human, usable addressing system that dramatically reduces friction, saves people time and creates a positive experience for LAMINA1 Hub users through personalization and the ability to name the things they feel deserve to be named in the emerging open metaverse.

For more information about how the L1IS system works within our Identity Subnet architecture and how usernames work on the LAMINA1 Hub, read the following sections.