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Updating Usernames & Username Ownership

Updating Usernames

You can change your username anytime via your public Profile. While there is technically no limit on how often users can change their usernames, under our current Identity Service architecture, most users will only be able to change their Standard Username once every 24 hours. On the other hand, you can change your Premium Username as many times as you’d like as long as you have enough L1 to purchase one.

Additionally, after reserving a username on the Lamina1 Hub, users can set/update information about themselves that can be retrieved from the ID Subnet by looking up their username in the resolver contract. 

This includes basic information such as blockchain address, nickname, email, or any other information encoded as key-value strings. The blockchain address is automatically set by the Controller contract when registering a username. Furthermore, the reverse registration is also done, so that the user’s username is retrievable from the reverse username: “[user address].addr.reverse”.

Username Ownership

On the Lamina1 Identity Subnet, the Controller sets the duration of each username registration in the Registrar, with Standard Usernames essentially never “expiring” and Premium Usernames expiring after one-year. Once expired, Premium Usernames can be renewed by paying the renewal fee to the PaymentCollector. This fee is set to the same price as purchasing the username: 1 L1. There is a 90-day grace period that allows users to renew their Premium username. If not renewed within this time period, the username becomes available again in the Lamina1 Identity Service system, and other users can purchase it.

Renouncing Ownership

Once reserved by a user, a username is NOT available for registration by other users until the expiry and grace period have elapsed. This means that a user can’t “unreserve” a username. The only thing possible is to renounce ownership of a username by sending it to another address. This will be done in the Lamina1 Hub by “renouncing” the username to the Controller contract, which clears the user address and information from the Resolver, and the corresponding reverse registration.

Future development will allow users to renounce previous usernames they no longer want directly on the Lamina1 Hub. However, this feature is not yet available.